Sales Department

We have answers! We don't just sell stands and mounts, we find solutions for our customers. Our sales team is staffed with certified pros that have extensive knowledge of the products that we sell. Call us with your goals, and we'll help you reach them!

To place an order by phone or speak with an expert, please call us toll free at 1-800-807-1477 #1. International callers can reach us at 1-919-552-8102. You can also reach a sales team member via email 24 hours a day. Phone Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00-6:00, Friday 9:00-5:00 EST.

Contact our Sales Department for the following:

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Customer Service

Customer Service handles all questions and concerns that you may have about an existing order. You can reach a customer service representative by phone at 1-800-807-1477 #2 Monday -Thursday 9:00-6:00, Friday 9:00-5:00 EST or by email 24 hours a day.

Contact Customer Service through Online Forms